
The Graphic Design and Multimedia Support plays a crucial role in enhancing the visual appeal and effectiveness of communication materials through the use of graphic design software and multimedia production techniques to support the executive, marketing and communication departments of companies.

Career opportunities

Graphic designers and multimedia support staff can work in various industries such as advertising and marketing agencies, communication departments of companies, media and entertainment companies, e-commerce and retail companies, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations.

  • Entry level : GCE Advanced Level
  • Type of training: In-person/Classroom training
  • Course duration : 9 months
  • Number of professional projects:3
  • Duration for the internship in an organization : 2 months
  • Exams: In-class and online examination before a jury after the internship
Content of training
  1. Graphic Design : Introduction to design principles, color theory, typography, and layout for visually appealing graphics.
  2. Essential Software Training : Hands-on training in popular graphic design software like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, or Canva
  3. Video Editing Basics : Introduction to video editing software, covering techniques, transitions, and adding effects for small video projects.
  4. Social Media Graphics : Conception de graphiques optimisés pour des plateformes telles que Facebook, Instagram et Twitter.
  5. Web Graphics : Creating visually appealing website elements like banners, buttons, and icons.
  6. Product Photography and Editing : Basic skills in capturing and enhancing product images for e-commerce.
  7. Slideshow Presentations : Designing engaging presentations with graphics, text, and simple animations.
  8. Simple Video Production : Techniques for shooting, lighting, and recording sound for small video projects.
  9. Animated GIF Creation : Introduction to creating simple animated GIFs using software or online tools.
  10. Client Communication and Project Management : Guidance on effective communication, understanding requirements, and managing small projects efficiently;
  11. French and English language training; Written and oral expression in French and English;
  12. Professional integration : attitudes and aptitudes in the workplace, job search techniques;
  13. Internship and conferences
  14. CQP preparation and exams (presentation of internship report in front of a jury);
Back to school

January 16; registrations for this course are accepted every month.

Prerequisites for the course
  1. It is required to have a functional Whatsapp number;
  2. Être disponible pour assister au cours au moins trois fois par semaine en ligne ou en présentiel.
  3. Have a computer at your disposal (Optional for classroom courses and mandatory for online learners);
  4. Have a working email address, gmail in particular (see the Academy in case you face a difficulty);
  5. Get a good phone and a laptop with internet for video editing exercises;
  6. Be ready to pay transportation fees for field activities and video capturing exercises
Registration file
  • Photocopy of most recent diploma
  • Photocopy of national identity card
  • Photocopy of birth certificate
  • Photocopy of passport for foreigners
Registration and training fees
  • Register here: XAF 25 000
  • Training fees: XAF 475 000 paid in three installments at most. For foreign nationals, please contact us for details..

5% for students paying in two installments, 7% for students paying in one installment.

Days of courses

Classes are held 03 times a week, on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Intermediate days are used for homework, language lessons and personal assignments.

You need a particular training ? Contact us
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